Add employees

A guide to adding employees in Woba

Once you have created departments in Woba, the next step to setting up your organization is to add employees. If you have not yet created departments, you must do so first.

You can add employees by going to: Organization > Employees.

You can also import your organization if there are many employees in your company.

Add employees

1. Navigate to the employee page.

2. Next to the organization bar, select Add.

3. Fill in the required name, e-mail and add a department.

4. Then other relevant information can be linked to the employee.

5. Tap Save.

6. The newly created employee will now appear in the employee list.

Note: you can always freely edit employees - read more here.

  • Name: is only used to address the employee in reminders, invitations, and in the corner of the platform.
  • Date of birth: can be used for filtering by age.
  • Gender: can be used for filtering on gender.
  • Language: can be set to predefine which language the employee sees Woba and surveys in.
  • E-mail: is the e-mail on which the employee receives the invitation to the survey and can use to log in.
  • Phone number: has no further use and is just for your own overview.
  • Employee number: has no further use and is just for your own overview.
  • Start and end date: can be used for filtering by seniority.
  • Title: has no further use and is just for your own overview.
  • Job level: will soon become important in relation to the newly released Financial Forecast.
  • Department: determines whether the employee receives an. Can also be used for filtering.
  • Annual salary: will soon become important in relation to the newly released Financial Forecast.
  • Active/inactive: can be switched off if an employee should not receive surveys etc. for a period of time.

Click the video below to see how to add employees to Woba: