Get recommendations

A guide to getting recommendations in Woba

In Woba Analytics, you can find recommendations based on the risk areas that have been made on the basis of results from your survey. The recommendations are listed in a prioritized order, according to which areas have scored the lowest and should therefore be focused on first and foremost.

You can find recommendations in Woba Analytics by going to: Actions > Recommendations.

Download recommendations

1. Navigate to Recommendations.

2. Select in the filtering which survey and departments you want to download recommendations for.

3. Find the category of the recommendation you want to download in the list.

4. Press Get recommendation.

5. A PDF is then downloaded to your computer.

Tip: recommendations are retrieved in the language your Woba Analytics is set to. You can change the language for Woba Analytics between Danish and English if you want the action plan in several different languages.

Click the video below to see how to download recommendations: