Woba Surveys

Research-based survey questions.

Upgraded Research-Based Woba Templates

In line with the increasing importance of data-driven decisions, Woba is proud to present our upgraded research-based Woba templates. These templates are designed to help organizations improve their data collection and analysis.

Benchmark Your Surveys with Woba ID

We have implemented a new Woba ID for all questions. This allows your organization to decide which of your own questions you want to compare.

Woba Questions with Woba ID

All Woba questions are read-only, ensuring that all organizations in your industry ask the same questions. In the long term, this will also enable external benchmarking.


We have made a professional decision to ensure that your data is accurate. Moving forward, you will be able to benchmark both internally and externally at the category and question level.

Research-Validated Recommendations

Woba's templates are based on extensive research, ensuring that the recommendations you receive are valid and built on best practices. You can therefore trust that the decisions you make are based on solid data.

We will later provide a description of how this works in practice.