Create, edit or delete employees

Guide to create, edit or delete in Woba

Once you have created departments in Woba, the next step to setting up your organisation is to add employees. If you haven’t created departments yet, you’ll need to do that first.

This article outlines the different ways you can create and edit employees manually in Woba. It is also possible to make these changes by importing your organisation.

Create an Employee

1. Go to Organisation → Employees.

2. Click on   Add employee

3. Fill in at least the name, email, and assign a department.

4. You can then add other relevant information to the employee profile (you can see what the different datapoints are used for in the section Datapoints)

5. Click Save Employee

6. The newly created employee will now appear in the employee list.

Note: You can always edit the information later—see the next section.

Watch the video below to see how you can create an employee:


Edit an Employee

1. Go to Organisation → Employees.

2. Find the relevant employee by scrolling or using the search fieldsearch icon 

3. Click on edit on the right side of the employee’s profile.

4. Make the necessary changes.

5. Click Save Employee

6. Your changes are now saved.

Watch the video below to see how you can edit an employee:


Delete an Employee

1. Go to Organisation → Employees.

2. Find the relevant employee by scrolling or using the search fieldsearch icon 

3. Click the trash can icon on the right side of the employee’s profile

4. Select Yes to confirm the deletion.

5. The employee is now deleted.

Important! If the employee might need access again, it is recommended to deactivate the user instead. Deleting removes the person from the employee list and deletes personal data, but survey results remain unaffected.


Activate/Deactivate an Employee

1. Go to Organisation → Employees.

2. Find the relevant employee by scrolling or using the search fieldsearch icon 

3. Click on the toggle button on the right side of the employee’s profile.

   - If the button is green, the employee is active.

   - If the button is gray, the employee is inactive.

When an employee is deactivated, they cannot be invited to surveys. All data remains intact, and the employee can be reactivated at any time.

Watch the video below to see how you can activate/deactivate an employee:



Information linked to an employee can be used for filtering survey data and may also affect how the platform will look when the employee logs on to Woba. Below is an explanation of the information associated with an employee:
Name Used to address the employee in reminders, invitations, and in the platform’s corner.
Employee ID Used for login by employees who are Kiosk Users
E-mail The employee will receive survey invitations via this email. It is also used for login.
Phone Number No functional significance; it’s for reference purposes only.
Title No functional significance; it’s for reference purposes only.

The department the employee belongs to; survey responses will be tied to this department. Can also be used for filtering.


Can be toggled off if the employee should not receive surveys temporarily.

Date of Birth

Can be used for age-based filtering.


Can be used for gender-based filtering.


Determines the language the employee sees in Woba and surveys.

Immediate Manager

Allows questions to be directed to the employee's immediate manager.

Current Project

Used for filtering in surveys.

Employment start- and End Date

Can be used for seniority-based filtering.

Voluntary Resignation  Ja/Nej
Job Level Used for Financial Impact
Yearly Salary Used for Financial Impact