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How do I proceed after purchasing AD?

A guide to what you can do when you have purchased AD integration.

What is an AD integration used for?

The AD Integration for Microsoft Azure Active Directory SSO Integration will enable Woba users to log into Woba using their Azure AD credentials instead of using the standard Woba email-based login flow. This login covers both logins to Woba’s Analytics App (for administrators) and Web App (for employees).

How do I get started?

  1. Set up the integration

    Before you can perform the above, the integration needs to be configured first. Follow the guide here to get started: → AD Integration - configuration guide.

    Note: You need to be logged in through Woba's customer portal to access the article.

  2. Choose the login method for employees

    Once the integration is set up, you can choose which employees should log in using Active Directory (Single Sign-On). Follow the guide here to see how to change an employee's login method: → Change login method for an employee.
  3. Test the integration

    When everything is in place, it can be a good idea to test the integration. You or a colleague can set their login method to Active Directory. Then try logging in to Woba. If you are redirected from the normal Woba login method and can use SSO to log in, the integration should be set up correctly.