If your organization import fails

Possible solutions if your organization import fails

If you experience a problem while importing your organization into Woba via our Excel Template, you can find help below.

The article is based on the error messages given when validating your import.

Error messages

The error messages are stated as: "Failed record *række nr* (email: *mail*): *error message* - *value*.

Example: Failed record 2 (email: johnsmith@example.com): invalid field Date of Birth - 2001-01-01

Formatting error

If the reason for your error message in the form below is a formatting error, you can find help on how to fill in the import template correctly in this article.

Possible error messages

Error message Solve the problem
import_result_Missing metadata There are one or more employee fields that are missing or are not correct in the template. Custom fields must also be in the template.
invalid field *column title*

There is a formatting error or illegal value in a field in the column. Correct this to continue. All fields must be formatted as text without further formatting.

Employee Id, *ID*, is already used within the company The employee ID must be unique.
DepartmentX, *name*, doesn't exist You are trying to match departments that do not exist or are entered incorrectly. The departments in the template must match 100% with those in Woba.
import_result_general-error: message - cannot determine type of empty array  

import_result_general-error: message - invalid input syntax for type timestamp with time zone: "0NaN-NaN-NaNTNaN:NaN:NaN.NaN+NaN:NaN"


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Was your issue not resolved? Please contact Woba Support.