Import your Organisation

A guide to importing an Organisation in Woba

Before you can import your organization into Woba, you need to set up one or more spreadsheets with the information to be uploaded. This article explains how to download and fill out the three different spreadsheets.

Table of Contents

Getting started

How to Fill Out Your Import Template

How to Import Your Import Template

Getting Started

Before you can create employees, the departments they belong to must be in the system. Therefore, you should start by importing your departments, then import your employees, and finally, import administrators.

Import departments → Import employees → Import administrators


You can download the import templates here ↓

Department template  Download template

Employee template Download template

Administrator templateDownload template


You can also download the report directly in the system – see how in the video below:


How to Fill Out Your Import Template

When filling out the import templates, it is important that nothing is edited or removed from the original template. This means that you must not delete columns or edit the headers. If this is done, you'll be shown an error when importing.

If you already have existing departments, employees, or administrators, it is recommended to export your organization and make changes in the export file. See how you can export your Organisation here → Exporting Your Organization


Skip to this section:

1. Filling out the department template

2. Filling out the employee template

1) Filling Out the Department Template

The department template consists of several data points. You can read about what each data point is used for here → Data Points for Departments

This section explains how the data added to the template should be formatted.

See an example of a completed department template here → Download Example


Department ID*

Department ID* column A

A unique ID that never changes and is used to identify a department.

A Department ID can only be assigned to one department at a time and cannot be changed through import.

Allowed characters: A-Z, 0-9, special characters ( . - + = / ( ) )

This field is mandatory.



Customer Service

Name* column B

This is where you enter the department name. It should be easily recognizable, as this name will be displayed in surveys, for example.

Allowed characters: A-Z, 0-9, special characters ( . - + = / ( ) )

This field is mandatory.



Active (Yes/No)

Active (Yes/No) column C

This column is used to mark departments as active (Yes) or inactive (No). Only active departments can be invited and participate in surveys. You can always reactivate an inactive department later.

Allowed values: "Yes", "No"




Parent Department ID column D

This field should be filled with the ID of the department’s parent department. The parent department must exist either in your import file or already be in the system. If this field is left empty, the department will not have a parent department.

Allowed characters: A-Z, 0-9, special characters ( . - + = / ( ) )


Department ID Parent Department ID
customer-service operations
SALES operations



Department Manager ID

Department Manager ID column E

This column can be used to assign a department manager to a department. Fill in the employee ID of the employee who should be listed as the manager.

The manager must already exist in the system before you can assign them as a department manager.

Allowed characters: A-Z, 0-9, special characters ( . - + = / ( ) )

See how to import employees → here



CPH, Denmark

Location column F

This column can be used if you want to assign a location to a department. "Location" is a free-text field, so the formatting is up to the user.

Allowed characters: A-Z, 0-9, special characters ( . - + = / ( ) )




Language column G

Used to assign a default language to the department. The default language can also be set at the employee level.

Allowed values: ISO 639-1 language codes (e.g., "da", "en", "no")

*Some languages may unavailable



Average Yearly Salary

Average Yearly Salary column  H

This data point is used for calculations in the Financial Impact module.

Allowed characters: Numbers (0 - 9)




Benchmark ID

Benchmark ID column I

Used if a department should be benchmarked against another. The Benchmark ID must be the same for both departments.

Allowed characters: A-Z, 0-9, special characters ( . - + = / ( ) )





2) Filling Out the Employee Template

The employee template consists of several data points. You can read about what each data point is used for here → Employee datapoints

This section explains how the data added to the template should be formatted.

See an example of a completed employee template → Download example


Employee ID*

Employee ID* column A

A unique ID that never changes and is used to identify an employee.

An employee ID can only be assigned to one employee at a time and cannot be changed through import.

Allowed characters: A-Z, 0-9, special characters ( . - + = / ( ) )

This field is mandatory.



Anders Andersen
Simone S. Simonsen
Anne-Mette Madsen

Name* column B

This field is for the employee's name. There must be at least a first name and a last name. If the employee needs to use kiosk login, both the first and last name must be at least two characters long.

Allowed characters: A-Z, 0-9, special characters ( - . )

This field is mandatory.



Department ID*

Department ID* column L

This column is filled with the department the employee belongs to. Note that the field is filled with the Department's ID

Allowed characters: A-Z, 0-9, special characters ( . - + = / ( ) )

This field is mandatory.



Use Kiosk Mode (Yes/No)

Use Kiosk Mode (Yes/No) column C

This column is filled with "Yes" if the employee is to be created as a kiosk user. If the field is filled with "No" or left blank, the employee will be created as a normal user.

Allowed values "Yes", "No"




Email column D

This column is filled with the employee’s email address. This email will provide access to the platform. If the employee is not a kiosk user, the email field is mandatory.

Allowed characters: A-Z, 0-9, special characters ( - . @)

This field is mandatory if Column C is not filled with "Yes."



Date of Birth (dd-mm-yy)

Date of Birth (dd-mm-yy) column E

This column is filled with the employee’s birthdate. This information can be used for filtering by age.


Allowed values: Date format. See examples




Gender column F

This column is filled with the employee’s gender. This information can be used for filtering by gender.


Allowed values: "Male", "Female" or "Other"



Phone Number
13 14 99 20
+45 40 31 50 30

Phone Number column G

This column can be filled with the employee’s phone number. This information is for internal use only and is not used on the platform. Woba will not send anything to the number.

Only numbers, country code, and spaces are allowed in this column.

Allowed characters: 0-9, special characters ( + )




Language column H

Used to assign a language to the employee. The language they are assigned will be the one they see when logging into the Woba Employee Portal. The employee can also change the language when they log in.

Allowed values: ISO 639-1 language codes (e.g., "da", "en", "no")

*Some languages may be unavailable




Country column I

This field can be filled if you want to assign the employee to a country.

Allowed values: ISO 3166-1 country codes (e.g., "DK", "US", "GB")

*Some countries may be unavailable



Active (Yes/No)

Active (Yes/No) column J

This is used to mark employees as active (Yes) or inactive (No). Only active employees can be invited and participate in surveys. You can always reactivate an inactive employee later.

Allowed values: "Yes", "No"



 Job Title
Head of HR Denmark
1. Line Supporter

Title column K

This column is for the employee’s job title. This information is for internal use only and is not used further on the platform.

Allowed values: A - Å, 0 - 9, specielle tegn ( . - + = / ( ) )



Department Manager ID

Immediate Manager ID* column M

This column assigns an immediate manager to the employee. The field is filled with the manager’s employee ID. The manager must already exist in the system or in the import file before importing.

Allowed characters: A-Z, 0-9, special characters ( . - + = / ( ) )



Current Project
Retention Initiative
Mission: Paperless HR
HR Command Center

Current Project column N

This is a free-text field that can be filled as needed. The information is for internal use only and is not used on the platform.



Allowed characters: A-Z, 0-9, special characters ( . - + = / ( ) )




Salary (Yearly) column O

This column is filled with the employee’s annual salary in DKK. This information is used in the Financial Impact module.

Allowed characters: numbers (0 - 9) 



Start Date(dd-mm-yy)

Start Date(dd-mm-yy) column Q

This column is filled with the employee’s start date. This information can be used for filtering by seniority.

Allowed values: Date format. See examples



End Date(dd-mm-yy)

End Date(dd-mm-yy) column R

This column is filled with the employee’s last working day. This information can be used for filtering by seniority.

Allowed values: Date format. See examples



Voluntary Resignation (Yes/No)

Voluntary Resignation (Yes/No) column S

This column indicates whether the employee ended their employment voluntarily or not. This information is for internal use only and is not used on the platform.

Allowed values: "Yes", "No"




How to Import Your Import Template

Once your templates are filled out, you're ready to import. It is important to first import your departments, then your employees, and finally, you can import your administrators.

Skip to section: 

Validating the Import Sheet

Importing the Department Template

Importing the Employee Template

Importing the Administrator Template 

Validating the Import Sheet

It's always a good idea to validate your import sheets before uploading them to the system. Validation in the Organisation section means that the system can review your import file and catch any formatting errors before it is actually imported. If the system detects any errors, you can correct them in your sheet and try uploading it again.


Follow these steps to validate your file:

1. Navigate til OrganisationDepartments/Employees/Admins

2. Click on import icon Import

3. Choose Go to file selection

4. Click on Select file

5. Activate   Only validation

6. Click on Validate

See how you can validate your template in the video below:


Import Department Template

1. Navigate til OrganisationDepartments/Employees/Admins

2. Click on import icon Import

3. Choose Go to file selection

4. Click on Select file

If you want to deactivate all departments except those listed in your template, you can enable  Mark departments not in spreadsheet as inactive

5.  Click on Upload

See how you can import your departments in the video below:


Import Employee Template

1. Navigate til OrganisationDepartments/Employees/Admins

2. Click on import icon Import

3. Choose Go to file selection

4. Click on Select file

If you want to deactivate all employees except those listed in your template, you can enable  Mark employees not in spreadsheet as inactive

5. Click on Upload

See how you can import your employees in the video below:


Import Administrator Template

1. Navigate til OrganisationDepartments/Employees/Admins

2. Click on import icon Import

3. Choose Go to file selection

4. Click on Select file

If you want to deactivate all administrators except those listed in your template, you can enable  Mark admins not in spreadsheet as inactive

5. Click on Upload