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Introduction to Survey Chat

An introduction to Woba's survey chat


This module enables HR and leaders to respond directly to comments made by employees in our surveys, creating a dynamic, ongoing, and interactive channel for communication.

This real-time interaction not only acknowledges the employee's input but also opens up a dialogue to address issues, provide clarification, and implement solutions.

Employee's comments will remain anonymous upon comment.


Key Features

  1. Chat for HR and Leaders:  HR and leaders can respond to comments directly through their Woba dashboard, fostering a culture of continuous feedback and recognition.
  2. Employee Chat: Employees have access to their survey chat history on their Woba account, accessible from both the app and desktop. They receive notifications when their comments are addressed.
  3. Anonymous Employee Voice: Woba ensures individual privacy by keeping employee comments anonymous while still allowing meaningful interaction.
  4. Actionable Insights: Turn feedback into concrete solutions by addressing concerns directly and implementing preventive measures

How to use Survey Chat

Use the following guides to get started;


Why should you use Survey Chat?

  • Proactive problem solving:  Identify and resolve potential issues before they escalate, minimizing the impact on the work environment.
  • Increased employee engagement:  Demonstrate that employees' voices matter, leading to higher engagement and satisfaction levels.
  • Data-Driven decisions to improve the work environment: Utilize not only quantitative but also qualitative employee insights to build the work environment your employees dream of.