Welcome to Woba

About Woba

Woba is a people intelligence platform that makes it easier for organizations to measure and improve employee well-being, engagement, and retention.

Our vision

- We want to create a better world to work in.

More than 40% of employees are considering quitting their job because of a toxic and stressful work environment. But imagine a world where you could predict and prevent staff turnover before it happens.

The problem

- It is time to rethink how we work with employee surveys

For too many years employee engagement, eNPS, and Health & Safety surveys have been a goal in itself to complete.

Pulse surveys have run several times a week with the same questions with no impact on what really matters for the employees.

On the other hand, it has resulted in more work-related stress, absenteeism, and higher staff turnover rates because HR and managers have not had the system to follow up.

Change is needed! That’s why we created Woba.

The solution

- The first solution to predict & prevent staff turnover

Imagine a world where you as HR, EHS, or manager could use the feedback of your employees to prevent stress and turnover before it happens.

With Woba you can now look into the future with one click. Our game-changing AI algorithm converts your current people risks into actionable insights in real-time – predicting what is likely to happen in the future so actions can be taken immediately and improved at an early stage.

The Woba Employee Retention Model

Woba’s founders come from the field of Organizational Psychology and converted their know-how into this model which we call “The Woba Employee Retention Model”. By following each step you’ll get the best conditions for predicting, preventing, and retaining your talents

You can read more about Woba on our website: → About Woba