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Woba's customer portal

Request access to Woba's customer portal

To make it easier and more enjoyable for you to get the best possible help in the use of Woba and with any problems, we have our own customer portal at Woba.

Through our customer portal, you can create support tickets and see the status, as well as updates on your tickets. That way, you can be helped faster and better. If you have active feature requests, you can also follow them on the customer portal.

Request access: You can request access to our customer portal by contacting Woba Support.

Note: If you already have access to the customer portal, you can also log in here: → Woba Customer Portal

Get started

When you have been granted access to the customer portal, you can follow the steps below to log in.

1. Sign up on the customer portal:

When you have requested access to Woba's customer portal and have been approved by Woba Support, you will receive an email where you can register. It is the email and the password you choose that you will use to log in.

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2. Access Woba's customer portal

After registering via the email, you can now log in to the customer portal. You will find the customer portal in the top right corner of the front page of our Help Center.


3. Log in

This will take you to the login page, where you need to log in with the email and password you have just created.

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What can I do on Woba's customer portal?

Through Woba's customer portal, you can:

  • Create and track new support requests.

  • View an overview of all your ongoing and closed tickets, including their status.


  • View messages from conversations with Woba Support, and respond to open messages on ongoing tickets.
